New Lloyd Hamilton Book Released

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Jim Kerkhoff
Posts: 64
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:59 am

New Lloyd Hamilton Book Released

Postby Jim Kerkhoff » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:20 pm

I just went on Amazon to order a water filter for my refrigerator (they had new and used ones available and I thought why the hell would anyone order a used water filter). Anyway to make a long story longer, the Lloyd Hamilton book popped up in the "you might be interested in ..." window. I clicked on it to see if it's been given a release date. And lo and behold Amazon said it had one in stock for immediate shipment. So I quickly snapped it up. Did I miss something? Did word get out among all of my cohorts that the book was available and I was asleep at the wheel? Can't wait to read it.

Jim K

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