The Mack Sennett Show?

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Paul E. Gierucki
Posts: 252
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 4:23 pm

The Mack Sennett Show?

Postby Paul E. Gierucki » Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:51 pm

I recently found a Detroit television guide (TV TODAY April 30 - May 7, 1954) which reports the following in the "TV Gossip" section:

"Mack Sennett, who created the Keystone Cops and introduced the bathing beauty to Hollywood, is working on a TV show in which he would reminisce with the stars of some of his early two reelers."

Can you imagine Sennett, circa 1954, just chatting with the survivors? Conklin, Durfee, St. John, Colvig, LeVeque, Gittleson? Chaplin?
Talk about a missed opportunity...

Richard M Roberts
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Re: The Mack Sennett Show?

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:57 pm

Paul E. Gierucki wrote:I recently found a Detroit television guide (TV TODAY April 30 - May 7, 1954) which reports the following in the "TV Gossip" section:

"Mack Sennett, who created the Keystone Cops and introduced the bathing beauty to Hollywood, is working on a TV show in which he would reminisce with the stars of some of his early two reelers."

Can you imagine Sennett, circa 1954, just chatting with the survivors? Conklin, Durfee, St. John, Colvig, LeVeque, Gittleson? Chaplin?
Talk about a missed opportunity...

I always wondered if that wasn't what Mack was aiming for with DOWN MEMORY LANE (1949), with Steve Allen and the whole TV show angle. It would have indeed been great.

Mack did a bit of TV and radio plugging KING OF COMEDY when it came out as well, I'd be happy with someone turning up more good inteviews on that angle.


Brent Walker
Posts: 151
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Re: The Mack Sennett Show?

Postby Brent Walker » Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:14 pm

Believe me, Mack Sennett had so many different ideas for projects during those years that were announced in newspaper columns, but never went beyond the talking stage.

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