Flying Elephants Shooting Location

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Jim Kerkhoff
Posts: 64
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Flying Elephants Shooting Location

Postby Jim Kerkhoff » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:25 pm

On Sunday I'm heading to Las Vegas for a week-long shoot and am wondering if anyone knows much about Maopa, Nevada, which is where Laurel and Hardy shot "Flying Elephants" back in 1927. It's about 60-70 miles outside the city in the middle of absolutely nowhere. I'd make time to go up there and scope it out if I knew what the heck I was looking for -- except a bunch of rocks. Any information on this out-of-the-way shooting locale would be most appreciated.

Jim K

Joe Moore
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Re: Flying Elephants Shooting Location

Postby Joe Moore » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:08 am

The film was shot during the second week of May 1927. You might try checking out any of the newspapers published in the area at the time to see if they had any write-ups on the shooting which could give you additional information on the shooting.
Back in the 1990s when I went up to check out Buster Keaton's shooting locations in north-western Arizona for GO WEST I found that the local newspapers in the region covered his shooting there.

Joe Moore

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Re: Flying Elephants Shooting Location

Postby Skretvedt » Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:30 pm

Yup, "Flying Elephants" was shot in Moapa from May 9 through 14, 1927. I remember seeing a letter from Stan Laurel where he mentioned this; I think he spelled the location's name as "MOWAPA" (in caps, too). Since about one thousand people live in Moapa now, there does appear to be some there there:

Roach was planning to make some Westerns with William S. Hart in Moapa in 1927-28, but the deal fell through. Babe Hardy worked there on a Roach feature, "No Man's Law," starring Rex, King of Wild Horses.

Moapa has its own newspaper, and perhaps somebody on the staff would know where the filming location would have been:

Jim Kerkhoff
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Re: Flying Elephants Shooting Location

Postby Jim Kerkhoff » Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:36 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. Actually, Randy, it was in your book that I learned about this very obscure shooting location. It makes you think how in tarnation these Hollywood folk ended up in the middle of the Nevada desert when similar locations were available around the LA area! Figuring the town didn't have a film council to promote their lovely munincipality as a locale for remote shoots, I can only surmise that Roach - or someone on his staff - had a connection with a rancher in the area who could put up a complete film company (including people and equipment). Forget any kind of comfortable hotels in a small town like this - especially back in the '20s. Anyway, I've gotten as far as finding out the name (Beezy) and phone number of the person who heads up the historical society in Moapa. But I understand he's a little difficult to get in touch with. I'll do my darndest, though!

Jim K

Jim Kerkhoff
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Re: Flying Elephants Shooting Location

Postby Jim Kerkhoff » Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:30 pm

After leaving a couple of voicemails for Beezy and not hearing back from the guy, I made it out to Las Vegas on Sunday and started work yesterday. The crew and I finished up a little early today so I quickly hopped in my rental car and headed up to Moapa while the sun was still in the sky. Well, you wouldn't believe it! It's like the "Flying Elephants" crew never bothered to strike the set! All of the rocks are still there! (Tongue-in-cheek comment for those who don't know me.) With a bunch of starkly beautiful mountains surrounding me ... no information about exactly where scenes were shot for the film ... and very few access roads up into the hinterland to take a closer look, I was able to locate what I'm fairly certain is the mountain range seen in the background as Stan tries to kick Babe off the cliff. I had taken some screen grabs before leaving on the trip and referenced them on site. So after exhausting all of the different L&H shooting locations in LA many years ago, I can now say I've been to Moapa to take a general look-see at this out-of-the-way location. But please keep this to yourselves. Remember. What happens in Moapa, stays in Moapa. I mean that. My wife Betsy thinks I'm nuts for doing stuff like this!

Jim K

Joe Moore
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Re: Flying Elephants Shooting Location

Postby Joe Moore » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:08 am

Jim Kerkhoff wrote: My wife Betsy thinks I'm nuts for doing stuff like this!

Jim K

My wife actually asked to accompany me when I went up scouting around Hackberry, Arizona looking for the GO WEST locations. We both had a pretty good time too.

Joe Moore

Jim Kerkhoff
Posts: 64
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:59 am

Re: Flying Elephants Shooting Location

Postby Jim Kerkhoff » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:01 pm

Joe - My wife would have been okay with going up to Moapa if she were out here with me, as long as I agreed to take her to several of the Cirque du Soleil shows on the Strip. She now even knows which one is Laurel and which one is Hardy. Good things take time.

Jim K

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