Al Joy Fan Club, East Coast Chapter news

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Rob Stone
Posts: 52
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:15 am

Al Joy Fan Club, East Coast Chapter news

Postby Rob Stone » Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:26 pm

So, a bunch of cinegoons got together yesterday in that great mecca of film archiving -- Culpeper, Virginia, and watched some really cool slapstick comedies on the flatbed viewer. All this because the next day (today) we planned to go the movie palace located inside the LC Packard Campus and listen to our buddy Ben Model play along with a selection of Hal Roach comedies for a sell out crowd. But we tried this before and that time the weather man refused to let Mr. Model play causing the cancellation of STEAMBOAT BILL, JR. due to a severe rainstorm that in turned caused the power to go out. Ben claims it is he who is controlling the weather in an attempt to manipulate the rate we pay him for accompanying the films... if so he is just as good at climate control as he is at playing the piano.... because we cancelled today's screening due to about 8" of snow. So two times Ben Model travels to Culpeper to play, two times silence. People in town are starting to wonder if he really can play at all!!!

Some of us think this has nothing to do with Ben Model but perhaps with some of the other riff-raff that show up for these shows. First time we were more than ready to blame the bad weather on Richard Roberts, Rob Arkus or Paul Gierucki... but they were no-shows this time. Steve Massa was here today, but he missed the last cancellation... so he can't be the problem. That leaves Rob Farr and Jim Kirkoff (sp?) ... must be them guys!!! And no it can't be me... we run three nights a week and we don't always cancel, so must not be me. Although I do have a way of scheduling a movie and then having cast or crew members die within days of the screening, but that is another story.

So, sitting in the projection booth prepped and ready to screen are the following Hal Roach comedies:

DON'T SHOVE (1919) with Harold Lloyd
SPEED TO SPARE (1920) with Snub Pollard
DOGS OF WAR (1923) with Our Gang
YOUNG OLDFIELD (1924) with Charley Chase
DON'T TELL EVERYTHING (1927) with Max Davidson
YOU'RE DARN TOOTIN' [actually the British release: THE MUSIC BLASTERS] (1928) with Laurel & Hardy

Oh, well we will try again. Maybe during tornado season or maybe Ben can call up an earthquake or tidal wave next time. But hanging with these guys yesterday afternoon and this morning make me crave SLAPSTICON all the more. If you have not booked your room, paid your registration and asked for the time off then do so NOW!!!!

Somewhere In Wrong,

Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Re: Al Joy Fan Club, East Coast Chapter news

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:21 pm

Rob Stone wrote:So, a bunch of cinegoons got together yesterday in that great mecca of film archiving -- Culpeper, Virginia, and watched some really cool slapstick comedies on the flatbed viewer. All this because the next day (today) we planned to go the movie palace located inside the LC Packard Campus and listen to our buddy Ben Model play along with a selection of Hal Roach comedies for a sell out crowd. But we tried this before and that time the weather man refused to let Mr. Model play causing the cancellation of STEAMBOAT BILL, JR. due to a severe rainstorm that in turned caused the power to go out. Ben claims it is he who is controlling the weather in an attempt to manipulate the rate we pay him for accompanying the films... if so he is just as good at climate control as he is at playing the piano.... because we cancelled today's screening due to about 8" of snow. So two times Ben Model travels to Culpeper to play, two times silence. People in town are starting to wonder if he really can play at all!!!

Some of us think this has nothing to do with Ben Model but perhaps with some of the other riff-raff that show up for these shows. First time we were more than ready to blame the bad weather on Richard Roberts, Rob Arkus or Paul Gierecki... but they were no-shows this time. Steve Massa was here today, but he missed the last cancellation... so he can't be the problem. That leaves Rob Farr and Jim Kirkoff (sp?) ... must be them guys!!! And no it can't be me... we run three nights a week and we don't always cancel, so must not be me. Although I do have a way of scheduling a movie and then having cast or crew members die within days of the screening, but that is another story.

So, sitting in the projection booth prepped and ready to screen are the following Hal Roach comedies:

DON'T SHOVE (1919) with Harold Lloyd
SPEED TO SPARE (1920) with Snub Pollard
DOGS OF WAR (1923) with Our Gang
YOUNG OLDFIELD (1924) with Charley Chase
DON'T TELL EVERYTHING (1927) with Max Davidson
YOU'RE DARN TOOTIN' [actually the British release: THE MUSIC BLASTERS] (1928) with Laurel & Hardy

Oh, well we will try again. Maybe during tornado season or maybe Ben can call up an earthquake or tidal wave next time. But hanging with these guys yesterday afternoon and this morning make me crave SLAPSTICON all the more. If you have not booked your room, paid your registration and asked for the time off then do so NOW!!!!

Somewhere In Wrong,

Maybe this all has more to do with sticking all those films down in the deep, Muggy, storm-rattled South, (hmmmmm, maybe Pat Robertson is right afterall)! I sit here in dry, arid, warm and comfy Phoenix, where things never get cancelled due to hurricane. prints don't go vinegar and the creek don't rise (well, they did a bit this last week).

Hope you Guys all had fun on the flatbeds (that doesn't sound quite right , does it?). I plan to catch up on some of those titles in July. Slapsticon will indeed be here sooner than you think. We'll have more titles to add to the program soon!


Jim Kerkhoff
Posts: 64
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Re: Al Joy Fan Club, East Coast Chapter news

Postby Jim Kerkhoff » Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:31 am

Rob - At least you can't call us fair weather friends! Thanks for your hospitality!

Jim K

Rob Farr
Posts: 494
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Re: Al Joy Fan Club, East Coast Chapter news

Postby Rob Farr » Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:14 pm

A great lineup of films and much thanks for your hospitality, Rob. Heard from Ben and Steve who returned home safely in spite of the Del Lord tribute we pulled on Rt. 229 North.
Rob Farr
"If it's not comedy, I fall asleep" - Harpo Marx

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