John Wayne NOT in CAREFUL PLEASE with Lloyd Hamilton

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Rob Stone
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Re: John Wayne NOT in CAREFUL PLEASE with Lloyd Hamilton

Postby Rob Stone » Tue May 01, 2012 7:47 pm

I don't care what anyone says.... that is PAUL FIX in "Tillie's Tomato Surprise", and everyone knows that JACK HOLT was the original fat guy in Our Gang. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, RAY CORRIGAN and MAX TERHUNE were the first guys to play the Three Fat Guys for Joe Rock but quit over the name "Tons of Fun." Finally, I can see why everyone thought JOHN WAYNE was in "Careful Please".... since LLOYD HAMILTON was his illegitimate twin step brother on his mother's side it just goes to figure that the guy the Duke called "Uncle Hammy" would sneak him into the studio for a cameo appearance. Jeez, don't any of you guys know this stuff?

Bob Birchard

Re: John Wayne NOT in CAREFUL PLEASE with Lloyd Hamilton

Postby Bob Birchard » Tue May 01, 2012 8:51 pm

Not that anyone has asked for my opinion, but a friend sent me the link to the clip and frame grabs and forwarded an e-mail from one of the "Careful Please" proponents. Here, in part, is what I wrote in reply:

This clip from "Careful Please" has been a subject of controversy on various internet comedy forums for the past few weeks. I am not familiar with the JW quote in which he spoke about working with Lloyd Hamilton, but in looking at this clip and the hold frames I don't see any resemblance between the actor in the clip and John Wayne--none at all--starting with the fact that he is not tall enough, has a ski-nose rather than a hawk nose, etc. I don't know when Wayne claims to have worked with Hamilton, but it seems to me that it might have been more likely (if John Ford did indeed introduce them) that this would have been later rather than earlier. Hamilton made half a dozen shorts at Universal in 1931 at a time when Wayne was scrounging for whatever he could get, and Wayne did appear in at least one non-Hamilton Universal two-reeler around that time, "Running Hollywood" (Universal, 1932) in a bit part.

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