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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2963
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm


Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:34 am

You know, I though it might be a good idea at this juncture to link this old Google Groups newsgroup to our research library as I'm sure there are getting to be a few new fans of vintage cinema who have never heard of it or knew that it was still out there on the internet.

From the late 1990's to around 2007, this was a meeting place for a lot of the cream (and some of the coffee grounds) of vintage film expertism and buffism, a completely un-moderated place where conversations could get wild and passionate, yet lots of good information was also shared and it gives one a good sense of what the histories of film preservation/film festivals/home video/mainstream media presentation of vintage film were at the time. Lots of familiar names (some of them now gone) and nameless ones were there, and some of the old rivalries and feuds went on or were even started there as well.

You will have to navigate past the last decade and more of viagra and other medications ads and various spam and definitely stay away from any old thread with the word "Chaplin" in it that goes on for more than 400 posts, but there is a lot of good stuff here too, and pretty much any old film topic you type into the search line should reap some goodies. A lot of the old original group (myself included) started to bail on the place around 2006 when too many nerds were showing up, then some others ran off to form a place that would have a hallroom monitor to stop any conversation that got interesting and delete anyone who showed them to be wrong, but on the best day of its sad, sorry life old Nitwitville hasn't even gotten close to touching the bootstraps of a.m.s at its best.

Here it is, enjoy it while it lasts. Unlike Facebook which is designed to make the short attention spans of it's denizens even shorter (ever tried to research a several years old post on there?), this is all here and reasonably easy to look through.


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