Hollywood Heritage Celebrates the Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley

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John Bengtson
Posts: 185
Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:58 pm

Hollywood Heritage Celebrates the Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley

Postby John Bengtson » Mon Aug 30, 2021 12:04 am

Handprints in cement and the Walk of Fame honor stars from the past. But only now, with the exciting Hollywood Heritage campaign, will Hollywood celebrate its direct geographic connections to the film industry’s origins.


Hollywood Heritage plans to celebrate the Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley on September 29, 2021, the inaugural National Silent Movie Day, and has launched a GoFundMe campaign to install signs, a plaque, and even an honorary mural.


Think of it. They each spent days filming here (Buster three films, Harold two). Celebrating this site as the “Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley” will honor the legacy of these great filmmakers and, for the first time, directly celebrate Hollywood’s unique cultural, economic, and geographic heritage, all at the very spot that helped to grow an industry and inspire these films.


Cheers to Hollywood Heritage https://www.hollywoodheritage.org/– a California nonprofit public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation, and its GoFundMe campaign to celebrate the Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley – https://gofund.me/ccda4942. If you want to honor a favorite star, or to recognize Hollywood’s origins and hidden history, please consider making a tax-deductible donation, and please share this campaign.

Thanks so much, John

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