Caught on Camera - Keaton filming in NYC

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John Bengtson
Posts: 185
Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:58 pm

Caught on Camera - Keaton filming in NYC

Postby John Bengtson » Sun Jul 05, 2020 12:54 pm

A tourist’s home movies show Buster Keaton filming in New York. But where, and was the crowd gathered to watch Buster, or someone else?


The images come from Kevin Brownlow’s So Funny It Hurt bonus program, part of Criterion’s stunning new Blu-ray release of The Cameraman

Read more here

Take care, John

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Caught on Camera - Keaton filming in NYC

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun Jul 05, 2020 2:56 pm

As always, an interesting post John.

BTW, speaking of the Criterion release of THE CAMERAMAN, I was informed by Glenn Mitchell that Criterion used the same version of his commentary track that TCM used on their earlier DVD release of the film, in other words, the edited version. TCM cut several opinions Glenn expressed on the track, including halving a quote from me regarding the similarity of treatment of both Buster Keaton and the Marx Brothers by MGM in that their first film was a fine combination of what both the Comedian and the Studio could do, then the next film showed more studio encroachment on the comedians style, then the following films were basically MGM films in attitude and content frequently squelching the comedians own originality, the edited commentary track stops at discussing their first film for MGM.


Chris Seguin
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Re: Caught on Camera - Keaton filming in NYC

Postby Chris Seguin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:44 am

Yes, apparently they used Glenn's commentary without his knowledge -- a rather mixed blessing as it's good to have it out again (especially for those who don't have the TCM set) but not great for Glenn as he hasn't received so much as a free disc. Such is life in harsh world of classic comedy on physical media!

Chris Seguin
Posts: 52
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Re: Caught on Camera - Keaton filming in NYC

Postby Chris Seguin » Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:45 am

Oh, and John's mini doc on filming locations on the Criterion disc is, as expected, sensational. I look forward to your upcoming GO WEST contribution to EUREKA's next release! ... ryoF1wX5wQ

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