Larry Semon leading actresses

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Simon Myers
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:29 am

Larry Semon leading actresses

Postby Simon Myers » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:50 am

Hello there, haven't posted here for a long while....

Several Larry Semon filmographies erroneously list Kathleen Myers as the leading actress in Lightning Love and Horseshoes. Close examination of these two films show the leading lady to be a different actress to Kathleen Myers who appears in The Barnyard, The Midnight Cabaret and The Gown Shop. The good news is that only recently I was able to identify the leading actress in Lightning Love. Her name is Rhea Durand, this information coming from Pictures and the Picturegoer journal dated March 1924.

So far I haven't found a reliable source to identify the leading actress in Horseshoes. I'm hoping someone here is able to shed light on who she is.


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