Two Nitrateville Stupidities

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Richard M Roberts
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Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Two Nitrateville Stupidities

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun May 01, 2016 6:57 pm

I know, there is such a mass of them these days, and who sorts too hard, but gazing over there this morning, one came upon two doozies worth commenting upon.

First was the NNN who was disappointed in the lack of sharpness in the new Blu-Ray release of THE LAST COMMAND, and wondered if only 16mm prints survived. Yet no one bothered to inform the fellow that IT'S A VON STERNBERG PICTURE YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!! The man used so much gauze the First Aid Department at Paramount announced a shortage. That's the way the `effin film looks bonehead and it's beautiful!!!! This latest OCD symptom among the Blu-Ray nitwits that sharpness is everything has done nothing but give us a lot of transfers of film that no longer look like either film or the way the makers intended. Sharpness is indeed everything, I wish the Nitratevile Ninnies had some.

Second was the NNN who, when someone suggested that paragraphs are a wonderful way to break up a rambling, pointless review no one really cares about reading anyway, got all huffy and indignant as if his soul was being hushed and refused flatly to adhere to such bourgeois slavery! "No! Never! My artistic freedom is being stifled!" he cried, "My readers loves the way I write!".

Readers? One of the readers was suggesting that a look at a Strunk and White just might be helpful, and how many more readers does the Ninnie think he has? No one can tell anyone anything anymore, it's like, oh my god, bullying someone to tell them their wrong! Oh the pain! The heartbreak! Get the nameless one a councellor, unfriend the evil nasty hater for possibly suggesting someone needs improvement!

Absolute Twits---both of them, and so many more at that place.


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