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"Amazing Years of Cinema" w/ Douglas Fairbanks Jr on YouTube

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:37 am
by Darren Nemeth
Here is an early Thanksgiving treat from my vast 1980s broadcast recorded VHS archive that I am just starting to tap into

Back around the late 1980s - early 1990s the History Channel or A&E ran various programs on silent cinema. Here is one of them.

"The Amazing Years of Cinema" was a series hosted by Douglas Fairbanks Jr. To my knowledge it hasn't been reran anywhere in 25 years.

Most of the films shown here still haven't made it to home video.

If you are going to produce this series for home video and would like me to take it down, contact me.

Yes, I know. The sound is a few seconds out of synch. Will make a new transfer when I get the equipment.[YouTube][/YouTube]