Chai Hong's Origins

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Thomas Reeder
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:40 am

Chai Hong's Origins

Postby Thomas Reeder » Sun Nov 22, 2015 2:22 pm

When Chai Hong was introduced to moviegoers as L-Ko's new comedic find in mid-1918, he was frequently billed as "Charlie of/from the Orient" and touted as being "the only Chinese Comedian in Pictures." I had no real reason to either believe or brush off those assertions, given that they came from the pen of a Universal publicist.

Looking at the always-reliable, however, there Hong is credited as being of Korean birth, born on November 26, 1885.

Can anyone confirm that what is posted at IMDb is accurate, or is it simply another unreliable piece of useless information that has found its way onto their pages?

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