Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

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Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:47 pm

Mike O'Regan wrote:Though, you've occasionally rubbed me up the wrong way over there,

I have never laid a finger on you.

I kinda missed your posts. You would appear to know what you're talking about, so I thought I'd hook up with this here outfit.

Looking forward to it,


ps: why are there no "smilie" emoticons? How will we know when we're happy??

You are responsible for your own happiness,

Somewhere in the rules of this place, we state that the emoticons were disabled because we believe in the power of the written word to get the message across without stupid little happy or sad faces to accent it. The English Language got along for Centuries without that nonsense, no need to bring it in now. Over at Nutrateville, where most never get the joke, they need them to have advance warning of it. I never used them, maybe that's why they thought I was being mean to them. Guess they must read books and think the Author is screaming at them.

In any event, Welcome to the Mafia Michael!


Mike O'Regan
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Mike O'Regan » Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:16 pm

Thank you, sir. Mighty pleased to be here.

Pasquale Ventura
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Pasquale Ventura » Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:52 pm

Those smiley, winking face emotions posters feel compelled to use on almost everything they write annoys the crapola out of me.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:17 am

Hey, it looks like Gebert and his thought police banned another one from Nitratevile this weekend. Didn't like the way the guy (or gal, it was a nameless one), said THE BIG PARADE was pro-war propaganda. Once again, truth and free-speech down the drain over there.


Bruce Calvert
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Bruce Calvert » Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:32 am

Mike banned the poster because he had been asked to keep the discussion on films, not politics. It's perfectly OK to not like The Big Parade. After a warning, this poster wrote a long anti-government and anti-Catholic church rant, talking about how the public is brain-washed by these two institutions. At Nitrateville, we discuss films and film history, not politics.

I almost wish that he'd come post the same nonsense here. I'm sure that you would be able to come up with a very funny retort to this troll. But it is harder to be a troll when you have to post under your real name on this forum.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:37 am

Bruce Calvert wrote:Richard,
Mike banned the poster because he had been asked to keep the discussion on films, not politics. It's perfectly OK to not like The Big Parade. After a warning, this poster wrote a long anti-government and anti-Catholic church rant, talking about how the public is brain-washed by these two institutions. At Nitrateville, we discuss films and film history, not politics.

I almost wish that he'd come post the same nonsense here. I'm sure that you would be able to come up with a very funny retort to this troll. But it is harder to be a troll when you have to post under your real name on this forum.

It certainly is, isn't it? Well, you all make up the rules over there. You guys should try it sometime.


Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:07 am

Well, once again, among the general doldrums and misinformation, a couple of laughs over at Nitratevile this weekend: Mike Gebert got after a member for deleting their posts in the 90th Anniversary Chaplin Mutual thread (Delete posts? How dare they! That’s his job!).

Then, in a thread about Father Brown, Ed Larusso admitted he doesn’t read anything, which explains why he never learns anything. No surprise he doesn’t get G. K. Chesterton, he doesn’t get much of everything.

Thought I’d add a few more tidbits to this thread, since it still seems to get more hits everyday than anything else around here. So who are you strange people who keep coming back to this thread, even when there’s nothing new posted, some strange Nitratevilians obsessing about something or other? Even I’m bored with this nonsense now.


Pasquale Ventura
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Pasquale Ventura » Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:59 pm

Can always use a good laugh. Wait, we can watch silent comedies instead.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:13 pm

Gee, I sorta feel obligated to keep this thread going, since it seems to still beat records for hits on our site, though we know it’s just Nitratevilians checking to see if their names (or more likely, non-de-plumes) are mentioned. It is getting harder as it is really pretty damned boring over there, and I’m not particularly as inclined to check it as I had been.

Well, let’s see, most recent idiocies over there include the gasbag with the pretentious French moniker declaring all B Westerns to be lousy, more typical uninformed film snobbism (Hey, haven’t got to use that term in awhile, there don’t seem to be many of those over here). B Westerns are like any other genre, there are good ones and bad, but there are a heck of a lot of good ones, start with the Hopalong Cassidys and keep looking, even the frequently low-budget Bob Steeles are very enjoyable. I’d bet pretentious French-monikered gasbag actually hasn’t seen many, since Jeanette MacDonald is only in GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST, his extremely narrow taste range probably isn’t able to handle people on horses.

Then Harold Aherne, who should know better, made a comment in a bizarre thread from someone into “alternate” history (like what the hell is this? Bullshit history perhaps the better term, most folk’s on Nitratevile’s grasp of actual film history already falls into the “Alternate” history category), but Harold surmised that nothing much would have happened different in Hollywood History if Shirley Temple had been “squibbed” (these people speak in tongues, they do). Yeah, not much, Twentieth Century Fox possibly going out of business not having their number one box office star of the late thirties ain’t much alternate Hollywood History I guess.

Oh, and that is definitely not Jimmy Savo in that “lost” film clip someone scanned and put up on Youtube. I think that’s a Vaudeville Comedy Team I’ve seen in another unidentified film clip in which the short guy is referred to as “McCarty”, but that’s all I can tell you about it.

In any event, there’s your Nitratevile Stupidity Roundup for this week, the rest just seemed pretty ho-hum, a lot of whining about no “definitive” or “ultimate” DVD version of INTOLERANCE, as if there could ever possibly be one on that patchwork title, but we aim to please in bringing you this service, and will continue to occasionally monitor that silly group as we can.


Louie Despres
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Louie Despres » Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:56 pm

Check out the new "Change One Letter" thread. Are people REALLY that bored that they need to come up with stupid games like that to stay connected??

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