Home Movies from THE BIG TRAIL (1930)

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 3067
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Home Movies from THE BIG TRAIL (1930)

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun Jan 30, 2022 1:59 am

Here's some amazing footage, not just a few minutes, but nearly 90 MINUTES of home movies taken during the shooting of Fox's THE BIG TRAIL (1930) the blockbuster Raoul Walsh film that was John Wayne's starring debut. I'm not sure who took these, but you see a lot of location footage that really shows how damn big a production this is, but you also get glimpses of Wayne, Walsh, Tyrone Power Sr., Charlie Stevens, and for the silent comedy Mafiosi, footage of Walsh directing a scene with El Brendel and Louise Carver. This is really fascinating:




Louie Despres
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Re: Home Movies from THE BIG TRAIL (1930)

Postby Louie Despres » Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:59 pm

WOW! Pretty amazing!

Richard M Roberts
Posts: 3067
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Re: Home Movies from THE BIG TRAIL (1930)

Postby Richard M Roberts » Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:32 pm

I saw some nonsense on a Facebook group where folk were saying these were not home movies, but outtakes, and looked too good to be 16mm. These are definitely home movies, they would be black and white 16mm reversal film, direct non-generational source, and if they are from the original print, it would absolutely be this sparkling. Original 16mm home movies, be they black and white or kodachrome, are usually razor-sharp if shot well and gorgeous. the diagonal kodascope splices are indeed another giveaway.

As to who may have shot these, I notice that of the actors involved, there seems to have been more footage shot of Tyrone Power Sr. than any of the others, so they may have been his home movies of the shoot, perhaps his 16-year old son Ty Jr went along for the shoot and took them, just an idea.


Louie Despres
Posts: 359
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Re: Home Movies from THE BIG TRAIL (1930)

Postby Louie Despres » Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:38 am

I thought the same thing, Richard. The use of lights or reflectors while he is getting made up says to me that the person making these knew exposure and that under the tent, the light would be dark and says to me NOT an amateur taking these. The film had a huge promotion push so maybe someone was creating an accompanying "travelogue"?? Seems to be way too long to just be "home movies". Just my two, or several, thoughts.

Would be interesting to know if there is any more info on these reels. Anyway, a GREAT find and another to add to the Brendel filmography!

Richard M Roberts
Posts: 3067
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Re: Home Movies from THE BIG TRAIL (1930)

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Feb 04, 2022 5:32 pm

Well, if they had been shot in 35mm, I would have thought, "Fox Movietone News" and that they would have been shot for publicity purposes, but this is obviously 16mm footage, so It's a Knowledgeable amateur, which again, with the Tyrone Power Sr. angle makes me wonder if it's Power Jr. following his Dad around during the shoot.

All speculation, and so what, it's just great the footage survives, it really shows how damn big a production the film was, and how many people were involved. For the Arizonian, it's also got some great looks at Yuma, Az in 1929-30.


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